Dynamic Pump Sequencing™ Package, Pump Controller
XiO Helped Pleasant Valley County Water District (PVCWD) Save More than $110k in Annual Utility Costs

Packages Used
PVCWD has realized a multitude of benefits that extend beyond the energy cost savings. Increased data collection, real-time monitoring of production and operational performance, and increased staff efficiency through the ability to prioritize well maintenance tasks has resulted in further savings by reducing overtime.
PVCWD operates eleven 200 HP deep wells to augment surface water supplies for irrigation to a service area of roughly 10,000 acres in Southern California. The electricity required to operate the wells and booster pumps represents a major financial expense to the District. Throughout California, regional power companies are offering rebate and incentive programs to water districts to improve efficiency and reduce overall energy usage.
The challenge was to accurately measure energy intensity (kWh/AF) real-time, while continuously comparing the intensity values of each of the eleven pumps in order to operate the most efficient pump at any given time. The District explored the option of consulting and custom programming for a traditional SCADA system to meet the project goals and found the costs, both capital and operating, to be prohibitive.
Following scoping meetings with PVCWD and Lincus, XiO delivered the Dynamic Pump Sequencing™ System. The system included field hardware made up of XiO’s patented I/O controllers and sensors, together with a combination of radios and cellular modems at each of the eleven well sites. The field hardware was installed by licensed electricians hired by the District. Once the field hardware was installed and calibrated, data from each site was transmitted via cellular modem to XiO’s Cloud Portal, energy intensity rates were calculated, and pump operations were programmed to change dynamically based on the energy intensity rates.
Post-installation data showed a total energy and demand savings of 906,703.1 kWh/year and 63.26 kW, respectively, which equated to an annual utility cost savings of over $110,000. The total cost to implement the project was roughly $117,000.00. PVCWD received the maximum financial incentive from the energy utility (50% of project cost) and had a simple payback period of roughly 6 months. The ongoing energy cost savings will enable PVCWD to fund future infrastructure projects.
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